Friday, January 18, 2013

WARNING: Please Read

Warning: under no circumstances should you reply to your stalker. This is exactly what he wants. I had two stalkers, one was Evan, the other I will not name. The other I replied to and tried to play his game. This was a huge mistake, his internet skills were far better than mine. He was willing to lie and slander and I suppose he did exactly what he wanted. He got some kind of sick pleasure knowing I was reading his lies. Do not play the game, it is no win.
It is a very sad thing that some feel they must hurt and lie about others. Many people, including me, have found themselves the victim of this person. Our lives should be to help and build up our fellow mankind. He has his blog set so he can make these slanderous comments but there is no place to reply. 
He has made spoofed post to my Yahoo Group, used my name to make false post and e-mails, stolen my e-mails, used 10 or more false names to make post about me and stolen my pictures to use on his blog. He is expert at twisting words, making them slander and lies. I do believe what goes around comes around. He has a lot. Now I see he is pretending to be a woman on Topics Forum and posting responses to himself under another of his fake names. Evan has made many false statements using his internet tricks. Doing this he has drawn much negative attention to himself. Check some of the links below:
Google search, "Evan Iliadis" for more info. I would refer the reader here:

This is a good one:


  1. I totally agree that you should not reply to them. I have found that you must fight back simply to clear your name.

  2. ...& by fight back I mean using blogs this one & the one I wrote. I don't mean to fight back by using their means. Fight back with the truth not lies.

  3. No way to comment on any of Evan's blogs or post because he post lies and slander.

  4. Hello again Brad. Here is the information you requested
